Standard Cold Pressed Oil

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7 Spectacular Benefits Of Apricots!

So many people are raving about the supposed healthy perks of the flavourful fruit. What makes me to say that this is flavourful fruit when i haven’t even ate one apricot till present? Well, from what I have find out was, the taste of apricots and similar to plums and peaches. They generally have a […]

mix bio herbal tea 155165 8510

KabaSura Kudineer And Their Nutritional Properties! Covid 19 Siddha Restorative

Many pharmacies selling Ayush medicines, specifically siddha, are overwhelming with a huge crowd of people lining up to buy Kabasura Kudineer which is believed to keep us away from Covid 19. Siddha medicine have become popular nowadays because of the worst outbreak of coronovirus over the globe. Because it’s a new virus, no one will […]

great gluten-free alternative for healthy living

Panangkilangu Palm Tubers Benefits!

Yummy! Who likes panangkilangu? Are they your favourite? If it is, I really have good news for you! Palmyra sprout ( panangkilangu in Tamil, thegalu in Telugu ) is an underground sprout of the Palmyra palm. They are cultivated in the states of Tamilnadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar. The palm tree is fondl called Karpaga virutcham which means keep giving. […]

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