Castor oil will in general be thicker and denser than other hair oils, use it…
10 Admirable Benefits Of Coconut Scrub Pads!

Coconut is one of the mother-nature gifted things in the Earth! Our home have been always incomplete without a coconut.
It maybe for pooja, skin, hair, food, healthy drink, purifier for RO plants and even used as ropes, sacking, doormats and mattresses.
Do you know that it is even used for bathing? But how? Do you ever come across coconut scrub pads?
Well, it may not look attractive, plastic body scrubs which can also cause redness, inflammation and allergic reactions.
Too much of hard scrubbing using this body scrub will destroy the topmost layer of the skin which acts as a protective barrier!
Coconut has lot of cosmetic purposes for our skin and hair! How about switching to a coconut scrub pad for bathing and exfoliating your old, dead cells? Sounds healthy right?
In my opinion, I have used coconut scrub pad and its works fascinating for me! Its one of my favourite products even it looks boring:)
So, I am here to explain you the benefits of using a scrub made of coconut coirs.
1. What Are Coir Fibres? How Do They Make Coconut Scrub Pads?
Coconut coirs
Coirs are natural fibres made out of the husk of coconut, found between the hard internal shell and outer cost of coconut. The name coir comes from “kayar”,a Dravidian tamil word.
Brown fibres use to make coconut scrub pads are obtained by harvesting fully mature coconuts when the nutritious layer surrounding the seed is ready to be processed into copra and dessicated coconut.
Machines are now available to crush the whole fruit to give the loose fibres. They can process upto 2000 coconuts per hour.
2. Disadvantages Of Using A Normal Kitchen Sponge
Here you can ask, what’s wrong with using normal kitchen scrub pads? Have you ever wondered the soft sponges is one of your dirty kitchen enemy?
According to New york times, Researchers have found that sponges regularly cleaned in soapy water have harboured more of a bacteria called Moraxella Osloensis.
This bacteria is harmless and common but it does cause infections for immunocompromised systems(have old aged people at your home alert!)
Dr.Egert, the microbiologist, at the University of Furtwangen, Germany suggested that it maybe best to throw away your sponge when it starts to stink -a sign of nasty bacteria present in it!
Even sterile environments can make a person ill, but if you are already ill or have a ill person at home, you should be more careful!
3. Advantages Of Using A Coconut Scrub Pad?

- They are used to clean the floor, wash the clothes and even exfoliating the body!
- The major benefit of coconut scrub fibres are they are antimicrobial which doesn’t turn out mouldy and smelly.
- They naturally behave as a soft scrub after a long use and stop waste from going into land fills.
- These organic coconut fibres are bound together with a non toxic adhesive.
- Biodegradable, economically available and especially hygienic as it stays fresh for several months because of its antimicrobial properties.
- These are functional, durable and uses less soap and produce more suds.
- A quick shake after washing it releases all the water and makes them to dry quick and remain odourless!
- They are tougher than yellow plastic sponges and brushes, they do a far more better job.
- They are tougher but they don’t scratch pots and pans like those steel dishwashers will do.
4. How To Make A Coconut Scrub Pad At Home?

- Take the coconut husk (2 handful) and make it loose.
- Scrub it well and remove all the coconut husk powder. It hardly takes 2 mins.
- Take an amount of coconut husk equally and keep it straight. Rotate them and use hands to press the (rectangular shaped) coconut husk.
- After that, fold the rectangular shaped coconut husk so that it forms like a circle. Fold it tightly so that there is no hole in between.
- Use your palms to press it more firmly. The more you press it, the more firm it gets.
- Turn it behind and press the same as you did before.
- Use a net (eg.the net to hold fruits when you buy fruits from the market or thin material cloth) band out the firmly rotated coconut husk inside. Rotate it and cut off the remaining net.
- Rotate the end of the net firmly and use a candle to melt the end. (a knot can get removed easily)
- Now, your DIY coconut scrub pad is ready! Not merely considering it as a waste and throwing it away, you have turned out this loose coconut husk into a useful scrub pad.
Buying Guide
Are you a working women and have no time because of your busy schedule ? No worries! Buy Standard Coconut Scrub Pads.
4 pieces of coconut scrub pads for just RS.40.Get it here!
Reference links:
- New york times
- Wikipedia-